Upside Down You’re content with just who you are—no more, no less.

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And seeing the multitudes, he (Jesus) went up into a mountain:  and when he was set, 
his disciples came unto him: 
and he opened his mouth, 
and taught them…

Matthew 5:1

You’re blessed when you’re at the 
end of your rope. With less of you there 
is more of God and his rule.

Matthew 5:3

Blessed are the poor in spirit, 
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:3

You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost 
what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

Matthew 5:4 

Blessed are those who mourn, 
for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 5:4

You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.

Matthew 5:5

Blessed are the meek, 
for they will inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5

Now Moses was a very 
humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face
of the earth.

Numbers 12:3 (NIV)

Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; 
he took the humble position of a slave 
and was born as a human being. 
When he appeared in human form, 
he humbled himself in obedience to God 
and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, 
to the glory of God the Father.

Philippians 2:7-11 

“Meekness toward God is that disposition of spirit in which we accept His dealings with us as good, and therefore without disputing or resisting.”

“Gentleness or meekness is the opposite to 
self-assertiveness and self-interest. It stems from trust in God’s goodness and control over 
the situation. The gentle person is not occupied with self at all. This is a work of the Holy Spirit, 
not of the human will.”

You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.


In what ways is God calling you to a life of greater meekness and gentleness? of greater contentment?

Being humble before God

Being humble before others

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make
your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Meekness before God 
Is a Path to Blessedness

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)

“God is not just saving individuals and preparing them for heaven; rather, he is creating a people among whom he can live and who in their life together will reproduce God’s life and character.”

-p. 66 Paul, The Spirit, and the People of God-

Meekness before God and others 
Is a Path to Blessedness