Opposites Distract Me vs. We

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  • Lived from 737 to 696 B.C.
  • One of God’s prophets

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8
New International Version

Justice = Mishpat (Hebrew)
Mishpat reminds us that we are all in it together.
When one suffers, we all suffer.
When one triumphs, we all triumph.

Justice means putting things right again, fixing, repairing, restoring broken relationships?
What relationships in your life need to be “put right?”

Mercy = Hesed (Hebrew)

Grace – God’s unmerited, unconditional love

Grace and Mercy go hand in hand

Grace – getting something good that we don’t deserve

Mercy – not getting something not-so-good that we do deserve

…The whole tone of our meal and conversation changed by being merciful
in this minor first world problem. What we noticed was that even extending mercy
in the small things makes a difference. It made me think of how many times in life
we get caught up in the small things thinking we are entitled,
when what’s really needed is mercy.

~Pastor Lori’s email 11/25/14

God’s Plan: WE, not me!

To walk humbly means that we have a profound deference
to God’s will and we joyfully submit to it.

Our deference to God allows us to defer to others and DO SOMETHING!