More Than A Christmas Story Expect a Miracle

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Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Isaiah 7:14 New International Version (NIV)

Immanuel – God with us

But you, Bethlehem, David’s country, the runt of the litter – From you will come the leader who will shepherd-rule Israel. He’ll be no upstart, no pretender. His family tree is ancient and distinguished. Meanwhile, Israel will be in foster homes until the birth pangs are over and the child is born, And the scattered brothers come back home to the family of Israel. He will stand tall in his shepherd-rule by God’s strength, centered in the majesty of God-Revealed. And the people will have a good and safe home, for the whole world will hold him in respect – Peacemaker of the world!

Micah 5:2-4 (The Message)

What would happen if we look forward to Christmas expecting a miracle?

God is a God of miracles!

The greatest miracle of all: God loves us enough to save us!

“Make sure of your commitment to Christ, and then ask Him to change you from within by His Holy Spirit, and make you a living witness to the miracle of His transforming power.”
~Billy Graham

Today’s Challenge: Pray for a miracle!

The way God delivers may look very different than you expect or hope for.

God’s got it covered! God is in charge! God knows best!